When working with children and/or vulnerable adults, you may need to apply to join the PVG Scheme.
There are lots of specialist services that can help you to build your skills and find a job.
Mentoring can help you move forward in your life positively.
"Friendly" employers do exist. The question is, how do you find them?
Writing a letter of disclosure might be useful when applying for a job or when telling loved ones about your criminal record.
Volunteering can be a wonderful way to learn new skills and try out new career options.
If you want to apply to become a landlord or taxi driver, you must demonstrate to your local council that you are a “fit and proper” person.
There are three Levels of Disclosure: Basic, Standard and Enhanced.
If you are investigated for a crime, you may need to tell your current employer.
For some people, being self-employed is the right choice.
If you are struggling with the way your employer is treating you, there is help available.
The following organisations offer support on this topic.