Using human rights-based approaches throughout, our training courses focus on empowerment. We build on the skills, knowledge and experience of participants to strengthen their confidence and resilience.
In line with our organisational values placing lived experience at the core of all of our work, all of our trainers have lived experience of the criminal justice system.
We are currently developing new courses in response to community need. We are also happy to develop bespoke courses where required.
The following courses are currently available:
Rights based training for people who have been involved with the criminal justice system
People who have been involved with the criminal justice system are at risk of rights violations as a direct result of stigma and discrimination from society and its institutions. Unfortunately, the advocacy and legal landscape within Scotland can make it difficult for people to access the support they need to defend their rights.
This skills-based course takes a human rights-based approach to supporting people to support themselves.
The course will help participants to:
- Understand their rights
- Consider how to effectively defend their rights when they are at risk of being violated
- Develop their assertiveness and self-advocacy skills
Who is it for?
This course is specifically designed for people who fall into one of the following categories:
- People who have a criminal record
- People who have a family member with a criminal record
- People who are under investigation for a crime
Our team are experts in facilitation and participant support. The lived experience-led nature of Next Chapter Scotland leaves us uniquely placed to facilitate lived experience involvement in a manner that generates honest and open contributions.
We are able to support organisations in the development of their approaches to lived experience involvement, whilst being equally well placed to provide support to individuals to enable them to raise their voices and speak out.
Trained Co-Navigator facilitators, our team are able to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations on complex themes.
We understand that when working with people who have been involved with the criminal justice system, non-judgemental, trauma-informed approaches are essential when evaluating the impact of services. Our team are able to apply a range of outcome-focused evaluation methodologies, allowing all participants to have their experiences captured.
We use the National Standard for Community Engagement when planning our approaches to evaluation. Team members have experience in specific approaches, including Participatory Appraisal and Social Return on Investment.
Our work is priced to ensure that we are able to pay our staff a reasonable wage and generate a sustainable income to ensure the longevity of the charity.
Should finance be a barrier, please contact us to discuss the possibility of reduced rates and/or working together on joint funding applications that will allow us to collaborate.
Training, daily rate - £550 (maximum 8 participants)
Bespoke training, based on 2 days of prep and 1 day of delivery - £1,500
Facilitation, Evaluation, Lived Experience Involvement and Support, daily rate - £330
Travel, where required, will be charged at 45p per mile.
Discounts are available for larger pieces of work.