You have the right to ask an organisation whether they are using or storing your personal information. You can also ask them for a copy of your personal information.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has a guide on how to make a Subject Access Request, which includes an online tool to help you through the process.
The ICO has also published specific guidance on accessing information held by the criminal justice system.
Examples of the sorts of things you may like to ask for include:
Police Scotland also provides Tips for Applicants to help in making a Subject Access Request.
If you need a copy of your criminal record because you want to apply for a visa to travel abroad, it is likely that you will need to contact the ACRO Criminal Records Office.
Our Travel page provides more information on foreign travel.
NHS inform have produced a guide on accessing your health records.
Each organisation must be contacted separately. For example, your GP and a hospital must both be contacted separately.
It should be free to receive a copy of your health records. However, if you need additional copies, they may charge.
The following organisations offer support on this topic.