The words that we use to describe people matter because they affect how people view themselves and how other people view them.
Best practice recommends that people are not described in language that ties their identity to their offence. For example “rapist” or “murderer”.
Professor Belinda Winder, Professor of Forensic Psychology at Nottingham Trent University, has developed a practice brief on Recommended Terminology Concerning People with a Criminal Conviction.
The document includes this handy reference guide:
Source: Winder, B., Scott, S., Underwood, M., & Blagden, N. (2021). Recommended Terminology Concerning People with a Criminal Conviction. COPE Practice Brief 01/21. NTU Psychology, Nottingham Trent University.
FrameWorks, a think tank that helps mission-driven organisations communicate about social issues in ways that build public will to support progressive change, have produced a useful guide that explores the way the public tend to think about people in and leaving prison, and how to build understanding and support for employment opportunities and supportive relationships.
The following organisations offer support on this topic.