Schedule 1 Offences

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Schedule 1 offences are certain offences defined within the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995. They are specific offences that primarily relate to sexual abuse and bodily injury of young people under the age of 17.

The full list of offences can be found within Schedule 1 of the Act.

If you are convicted of a Schedule 1 offence, it will have the following implications:

  • Relevant local authority departments will keep a record of your status;
  • You will be asked to co-operate with relevant agencies to assess and reduce the likelihood of future harm to children;
  • Information about your conviction may be disclosed to other agencies on a ‘need to know’ basis;
  • In most circumstances your record will prevent you from gaining paid or voluntary work with children
  • If you plan to stay in or regularly visit a household where children live, this may be grounds for informing another person who holds parental responsibility.
  • Children who are members of any such household may be referred to the reporter to the children’s panel on the grounds that they may be in need of compulsory measures of care; and
  • You may be the subject of an exclusion order.

Source: Scottish Executive Justice Department

Being aware of these implications can be important, particularly in relation to family life. You may find the following pages helpful:

A table with examples of appropriate language use
A table showing the notification periods for the various sentence types. Prison sentence of 30 months or more (including life), Indefinite. Order for lifelong restriction, Indefinite. Admission to a hospital subject to a restriction order, Indefinite. Prison sentence of more than 6 months but less than 30 months, 10 years. Prison sentence of 6 months or less, 7 years. Admission to a hospital without a restriction order, 7 years. Community payback order with an offender supervision requirement, The length of the offender supervision requirement. Any other sentence (e.g. a fine or admonition), 5 years.
Last updated:
September 3, 2024
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